The Story So Far is a passion project I had as a brainchild over a decade ago, my name is Will and I am the founder of this site. I’ve spent my entire life engrossed and obsessed with everything gaming-related. This obsession was so strong that I went on to study game development and hold a BSc in Computing & Games Programming.


For me, games are the ultimate bridge between scientific and artistic endeavors. Encapsulating the very best of entertainment whilst providing mentally enriching and problem-solving environments. As a lifelong gamer, I have taken many positives away from these experiences and applied them to real life, learning anything from software architecture itself to fitness, 3D design, creative writing, and entrepreneurship.


Gamers are more equipped than most to adapt and learn on and off the monitor, and that’s what this informative platform is all about. Finding ways that gamers can fit their lifestyles around their favorite hobby healthily and engagingly, covering anything from diet, exercise, professional software skills, tech recommendations to uncalled-for and not-so-funny jokes.


It is about more than optimizing your setup, but adopting a philosophy that improves sustainably every other aspect of your life whether it’s relationships or your profession. If you’re like me and made by games, you’re in the right place.


Thank you for being part of this journey, your contributions and support are what make this an exciting project.


Welcome Home. Welcome to The Dork Dome.

